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What is an Energy Recovery Unit and How Will it Make Your Home a Healthier Environment

The 7 Life-Changing Perks of Getting an ERV Plus How These Systems Work

Constructing or renovating a home with energy saving in mind is more than a trend — it's the future! 

If your home feels small and tight and there's no adequate ventilation, airborne contaminants can get trapped inside, potentially compromising the health of your entire family.

Consider installing an energy recovery unit to boost indoor air quality, control moisture levels, balance indoor humidity, and reduce household bills.

What is an energy recovery unit or an ECV? How does it work? What does an ERV system do and why do you need one ASAP? Let's find out!

An energy recovery unit or an "ERV" is an innovative ventilation system that is created to exchange stale indoor air with fresh outdoor air — meanwhile, conserving energy! 

What Does an ERV System Do?

An energy recovery unit or an "ERV" is an innovative ventilation system that is created to exchange stale indoor air with fresh outdoor air — meanwhile, conserving energy! 

ERV systems are useful in airtight homes where there's a high degree of trapped indoor air contaminants like moisture, allergens, carbon dioxide, and dust. This system aids proper ventilation and it is especially beneficial in areas with fluctuating temperatures like Vancouver, BC.

If you are interested in installing the most effective and affordable energy recovery unit in Vancouver, contact Holtop Canada for more info.

Holtop's brand-new ERV system uses cutting-edge technology to improve the indoor air quality in your home by exchanging stale indoor air with fresh outdoor air.

Our ERV system installation in Vancouver is suitable for a wide array of homes — no matter the size or configuration: small apartments and larger family homes will both benefit.

How Do Energy Recovery Ventilators Work?

The mechanics of how an ERV works are simple but highly effective. 

Energy recovery units have two air streams: The first one pulls fresh air from outside and the second exhausts stale indoor air. These streams pass through a heat exchanger that's located within the ERV, transferring heat and sometimes moisture between the airflows without mixing.

Air intake, air exhaust, energy exchange, and air distribution are the key.

All in all, there are 7 incredible reasons why anyone should consider investing in an energy recovery ventilation unit.

What Are the Benefits of an Energy Recovery Ventilation System for Your Home?

All in all, there are 7 incredible reasons why anyone should consider investing in an energy recovery ventilation unit.

  • An energy recovery unit ventilates and circulates fresh air: A high-quality ERV system will constantly bring fresh and filtered air from outdoors into your home while at the same time expelling the stale and musty indoor air. 

As a result, the air quality inside your home will be fresh, even with closed windows.

  • An energy recovery unit reduces indoor air pollution: Energy recovery ventilators reduce the buildup of pollutants like allergens (pollen, dust mites, pet dander) and volatile organic compounds such as cleaners and paints. 

If you or a family member deals with respiratory issues, investing in an energy recovery ventilation system in Vancouver is a MUST to promote health.

  • An ERV system helps manage humidity levels: ERV systems in Vancouver regulate indoor humidity by transferring moisture between the airflow that comes in and out. 

An ERV system balances humidity levels that can also protect wooden floors, furniture, and other materials sensitive to moisture levels.

  • An ERV system recovers energy from exhaust air: During the cooler months, energy recovery ventilation preconditions the incoming fresh air, reducing the load on heating systems. 

During summer ERV systems transfer the heat from the incoming air to the outgoing air, keeping the home feeling cool and comfortable. As such, ERV systems reduce cooling and heating costs.

  • An energy recovery unit improves the efficiency of HVAC: An ERV system optimizes the performance of your HVAC system by preconditioning the air that enters your space and thus reduces the workload on the air conditioner or furnace.

  • An ERV system prevents the buildup of bold and moisture: If you notice mould growths on ceilings, walls, and other surfaces, you likely have a problem with excess moisture and condensation. 

Solve this issue by managing the indoor air quality with an ERV system.

  • An energy recovery unit supports sustainable living: We should all be kinder to planet Earth, and one of the best ways to help the planet is by practicing a more sustainable way of life. 

Consider ERV system installation in Vancouver to reduce carbon emissions by reducing the energy needed for cooling and heating.

On top of this, an energy recovery unit reduces noise from outdoors like construction work, traffic, or neighbourhood activity — now you can ventilate your home without opening windows.

Both ERV and HRV systems are made to boost the indoor air quality in your home, but they aren't the same thing.

What is the Difference Between HRV and ERV?

Both ERV and HRV systems are made to boost the indoor air quality in your home, but they aren't the same thing.

  • HRV (Heat Recovery Ventilators): A heat recovery ventilator is a system that focuses only on heat exchange

These systems transfer the heat from the outgoing stale air to the incoming fresh air without affecting moisture levels in the home. We recommend HRVs in cooler climates where humidity control is not a top pririty.

  • ERV (Energy Recovery Ventilators): ERV systems effectively manage both heat and moisture transfer, so they are more suitable for people living in Vancouver. These systems can provide year-round comfort!

Moisture, mould, and pollutants be gone! Contact Holtop Canada for the highest-quality and most cost-effective energy recovery ventilators.

How Much Does an ERV System Cost?

An energy recovery unit is usually a major investment, but the price is well worth it in the long run, as these systems can last for many years. 

The exact cost of an ERV system varies though, based on factors like the size of your home, the specific model you choose, and the complexity of the installation process. Many ERV systems can cost anywhere from $2500 to $5000 for full installations.

On a budget? Reach out to Holtop Canada for the most functional and budget-friendly ERV systems. 

Holtop is the number one manufacturer of indoor air quality solutions, from filtration systems to heat exchangers. We offer the latest ERV system models from C$1799, or C$1499 on discount!

What are the Disadvantages of ERV?

An energy recovery unit is a must-have, especially if you are done with foul-smelling indoor air and excess humidity levels, but these systems have some minor drawbacks to consider.

Installing an energy recovery unit is a pricy project. 

However, while the initial costs are higher, the energy savings these systems provide make up for the price. Some ERV systems require regular maintenance, such as filter changes to work properly. If you neglect the maintenance, the system won't work at its highest capacity.

With this in mind, ERV system installation is a worthy investment that will change your life. It will turn any home into a pleasant and welcoming area, both in warmer and cooler months.

Purchase an energy recovery unit in Vancouver and find out what the hype's about!

Not all ERV systems are perfect, so you'll need to know how to choose the best and most effective products out there.

How Do I Choose the Best Energy Recovery Ventilation Unit for My Home?

Not all ERV systems are perfect, so you'll need to know how to choose the best and most effective products out there.

Consider the size of your home and the most appropriate size of the ERV system. If you live in a larger home, you will need a stronger energy recovery unit to effectively circulate the air.

The local climate is another important factor, and when it comes to Vancouver, you need to remember that the humidity levels and temperatures often fluctuate. This means that you'll want to choose a premium-grade and powerful system that gets the job done every time.

We also suggest choosing an ERV with a high energy efficiency rating to reduce long-term energy consumption. 

Holtop's PM2.5 Sensor Version Energy Recovery Ventilator is created to meet the highest indoor air quality standards. It features an advanced system with a PM2.5 sensor, air filtration, and an 82 percent efficient heat exchanger, resulting in a whopping 99 percent purification efficiency. 

On top of this, the ERV system by Holtop features built-in Wifi and a convenient touchscreen panel for seamless monitoring and control. If your space ranges from 200 to 500 square feet, this is the most suitable model for you.

Home installation in Lower Mainland Canada is available.

Tips and Tricks to Keep Your ERV Functional

Keep your energy recovery unit operating at peak performance by cleaning or replacing the filters regularly and inspecting the heat exchanger. 

Debris, dust, and other junk can quickly accumulate on the heat exchanger, thus reducing the ability to effectively transfer humidity or heat. If you have questions or doubts, consult the instructions of the manufacturer, or contact Holtop Canada. We are always ready to help you!

Choose Holtop's ERV systems in Vancouver. We offer the highest-quality energy recovery unit for homes of all sizes. Order your first ERV today! Call (604)-222-2100 to get started right away.

Order the Most Effective Energy Recovery Unit Today!

With an energy recovery unit, there's no need to crack open windows to let fresh air flow inside—this high-tech system does everything for you. Plus, notice the overall energy costs are reduced! Are you all set to invest in better air quality and energy efficiency?

Choose Holtop's ERV systems in Vancouver. We offer the highest-quality energy recovery unit for homes of all sizes. Order your first ERV today! Call (604)-222-2100 to get started right away.

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